Wednesday 20 November 2013

Moment #46's moment #46 and I'm certainly counting down to feeew more, insha allah.


This is university-hopping.

During my 3 years stay in Malaysia, I try to grab as much opportunity to sight-see universities there. Alang-alang pekasam biar sampai ke hujung lengan, kan? ^^ Some of the universities that I visited; namely UIA , UPM (the one at Pulau Pinang), KUIZ, UPM (Universiti Putra Malaysia) , USIM and UM.

Oh! I did visited two universities in Indonesia too. =) (Heeh. I forgot it's name). I found out that students there are very outspoken - they are able to speak up their mind and deliver their ideas well. Partly because of the culture that embedded strong positive values in them.

To explore around universities is surely an enriching journey. We get to see different cultures of learning, come across new environment that differs from our's (for mine, it's ukm), feel the spirit of the students there and lastly, opening a new mindset and perspective of life.

Every university is unique in it's own way. UKM is no exception too.


  1. yg slalu disebut...alang-alang menyeluk pekasam, biar sampai ke pangkal lengan... :) hehe
    tp masih boleh dicapai mksud peribhasa hida tu... :) cute ^^V

  2. haha...gitu ke peribahasa dia?

    Okay okay nanti akan dibetulkan! Hehe...
