Saturday 18 May 2013

Moment #21

The first time I looked at this picture, I realized how messy this place is! This is *cough* a cybercafe. It's not a place to surf the internet (even though there's internet here). It's a place to print notes, assignment, thesis and stuffs, and also a place to photocopy (notes and even books!). It is a a 'hot place' among students especially during the nearly-end of semester where students are rushing to print out assignments (deadlines!) or notes (for exams!).
Cybercafe and thumbdrive (they called it pendrive here) are so closely related. Mostly we students would save our files in our t/drive and would just print it out at the cybercafe. A cybercafe with computers which has been exposed to multiple and multiple thumbdrives, and maybe *shrug* one of the unlucky ones is down with virus. Viruses are contagious (very!) and just imagine the spread of damages it can bring to t/drives which will eventually affect our laptops.
Hungry viruses that will eat up our files *burp* or worst still, damaged our laptop's hard disc. That's the end man! Files gone! Bummer -.-!
Yeah. I got sick of the viruses before. My laptop(s) were once infected too. Poor them!
This cybercafe (the picture above) used to be among my favourite place to get my assignments and stuffs done. Plus the price is quite cheap as compared to the rest of cybercafes. But now no more. My thumbdrives and laptops certainly need a rest (from viruses) and I will try to provide them with a healthy and free-virus environment. Heee. Yeah trying even though it's really tough =.=!
I need a 'strong' laptop that can encounter viruses of all sorts. Better still if it can withstand or block even the whiff smell of viruses. Pergh. Haha.

New laptop I hope?

*thinking of ultra Acer laptop*

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