Alhamdulillah. The call to write again appears after what seems like a decade. I've decided (heee) and insha allah will continue the interest (of writing) and put in MORE efforts to keep this blog going. There's still a few contemplation going on in my mind though:
1) The language that I will be using. I'm torned between Malay or English, Malay or English. I still can't decide yet. I don't know. The Malay-ish in me said, "oi. Kan bahasa ibunda kau. Kalau bukan kau yang gunakan, siapa lagi nak mempertahankan bahasa melayu!" . The step-macam-paham English-er in me said, "It's very hard nowadays NOT to write in English. Everywhere you go, people are conversing in English. And I have this very stubborn mindset, if I write my blog in Malay, who's like going to read it?".
Please help me make my mind.
2) I need to think of a new 'so-called project'. This kind of mini project is a good thing because it motivates me to keep my blog updated. I have a few that I've thought about but I haven't decided on any.
3) Oh ya! If u notice - well I don't think anyone notice it yet, but I've changed my URL. Initially it was sofwatul-qalb but I've changed it to bintyusoff. The good thing is, I'm going to change it again. The bad thing is, I haven't decided on any yet. Haha. I don't know why I keep changing the blog's name. It's hard for people to keep track on you lah hida.
I'm so excited to get my fingers dancing on the keyboard. I will certainly be back with more insha allah.
"Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better - Albert Einstein" |
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