Tuesday 28 May 2013

Moment #22

This is ikan keli or also known in English as catfish. I've never in my life come across this fish till I've stepped here in UKM. Ayah never bought them and I don't know if this kind of fish is sell in Spore market *shrug*. I asked my mak, if there's any catfish here in Spore. She said, orang singapore tak suka/makan ikan keli.
A close friend of mine (Syakila) introduced me this fish indirectly. I still remembered when we were eating together for lunch. She bought ikan keli goreng with rice. Due to curiosity, I tasted it a bit. On the first taste, I was like "oh my! This fish is super duper soft inside!".  It feels crunchy on the outside, and soft inside. So the sedaap! ^^
Since then, I was crazy about ikan keli. Once I was having lunch with my parents (in Msia) and I bought ikan keli to eat with rice. My mak was surprised. She said, ida pandai makan ikan keli? Hehe.
That was before I know about the asal usul of ikan keli. 
They said, ikan keli lived in longkang.
They said, ikan keli taste like tanah.
They said, ikan keli tak handsome T_T
They said, ikan keli likes to merajok.
Furthermore, ikan keli has it's taring. They said, the taring is poisonous. It really needs proper cleaning and clearing. If no proper cleaning is done, the poison can somehow affect you. Scary neh...

For now, I've stopped eating ikan keli. As though all appetite gone when I looked at the ikan keli. All thanx to the 'they said...they said...and they said'. 
Sorry k ikan. Bukan maksudku.